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Get 1 year access to ALL of Radtutor's study content to help you prepare for the ARRT Radiography registry exam at a cost of $59 for 1 year.
Practice tests can be saved, so you don't need to worry about interruptions while you are studying. With Radtutor, you simply save your work and pickup again where you left off when time permits. Our site is built to accomodate the busy lives of working students and parents. One of the biggest difficulties of studying for an exam is dedicating the necessary review time. Our website is designed to give students and techs efficient learning tools which minimizes the time you have to spend studying.
Our Virtual Flash Card tools allow you to utilize just a few minutes of your time to quickly practice x-ray anatomy skills. These flip-able virtual cards cover sectional anatomy, radiographic quality, and identifying common artifacts by using modern digital images. (See the demo for a small sample.)
Several interactive study tools and guides are available with tons of practice questions, matching terms, and short interactive videos. Radtutor strives to go beyond the textbook and offer up to date images and content and deliver it to you anywhere with web access at anytime.
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